
Building for resilience

Our goal is to create resilient solutions that remain dynamic beyond the end of our engagement. In fact, one of our success indicators is when our partners have integrated our ethos. They use our methods and strategies to further develop the processes for sustainability and become autonomous creating and
advancing ideas on their own.



Our work ranges from project conceptualization, to physical construction, to monitoring and evaluation. Some of our methods include:

- Systems mapping and analysis
- Impact strategy
- Product design
- Organizational design
- Value chain design
- Process optimization
- Renderings and prototype development
- On the ground implementation
- Construction
- Impact evaluation



We transfer our approach and capabilities through our patented training, our certification processes or fellowships. Some examples include:   

- Customized workshop design
- Workshop facilitation
- Toolkit development
- Certification
- Lectures and Seminars
- Hackathons
- Apprenticeships 



We are constantly exploring opportunities to promote prosperity. Our team permanently produces new thinking around innovative processes, and social and economic perspectives. Some mediums include:

- Conceptual framework development
- White papers
- Research lab